Congratulations! You made it into this year. The utmost desire of every living person is to see a brand new year. Perhaps, if you are reading this article, it’s such an evident that you are one of those that made it into this year—2014. It’s now no more dream in wish but dream in reality. However, like a wind, the year 2013 disappeared on the night of December 31 st , and the boat of 2014 without hesitation anchored. Interestingly, the 2014 boat has begun its sailing right from the transition night into the 1 st January. With excitement, all that saw and experienced the transition boarded the boat, to be delivered at their various shores. These various shores connote our individual dream destinations. To these various destinations, they represents a place called “Success, Accomplishment, Fulfilment, or Happiness” in our different minds. Therefore, to fully attain the success of our destination expectations, we have marshalled out our wishes, dreams, and goals, with few N...