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Year-Long Success Accelerators

Congratulations! You made it into this year. The utmost desire of every living person is to see a brand new year. Perhaps, if you are reading this article, it’s such an evident that you are one of those that made it into this year—2014. It’s now no more dream in wish but dream in reality.

However, like a wind, the year 2013 disappeared on the night of December 31st, and the boat of 2014 without hesitation anchored. Interestingly, the 2014 boat has begun its sailing right from the transition night into the 1st January. With excitement, all that saw and experienced the transition boarded the boat, to be delivered at their various shores. These various shores connote our individual dream destinations. To these various destinations, they represents a place called “Success, Accomplishment, Fulfilment, or Happiness” in our different minds.

Therefore, to fully attain the success of our destination expectations, we have marshalled out our wishes, dreams, and goals, with few New Year resolutions to accompany them. However, over the years, I have discovered that resolutions are not the reason for experiencing a glorious year. In most cases, I discovered resolutions ultimately fade with time, and as such, the expected change is altered. So, resolution doesn’t sustain our energy through the year to achieve its targets, but commitments and sacrifices do. Conversely, many people have ended each year regretting because their resolution lacks these energy boasters.

What then are the secret ingredients of great accomplishers that stir their exploits through to the year’s end? What differentiates them from non-accomplishers? Which principles do they trade that I need to know? Listen as I unveil these secrets that make for a fruitful year.

1.      Set Your Targets: Great accomplishers first have their targets that they aim to hit. If you don’t have a target, it’s impossible to aim. If you don’t aim, shooting becomes obstructed. Therefore, when there is no shooting, automatically, there is not hitting. The target of hunters is the prey that they aim to shoot and kill. What are your preys this year that you are targeting to hit? Setting your targets is defining your goals for the year. Accomplishment starts at the point of definition. Discovery is essential before accomplishment can be established. Accomplishments are easy when you are racing toward a well-defined finish line. You need to understand that without a goal post, scoring becomes impossible. You must know what you want before you can go for it. Having target is the most essential feature in an outstanding accomplishment because it is the source of every other energy boasters.

2.      It’s a Competition: They understand that they are in a competition. Your targets are your annual tournament, and you are in the competition as an athlete. It’s your understanding on this that will give your outstanding finishing a place. It takes people who see their goals as competitions to succeed in them. Winners in every competition emerge as a result of participation.  The reason many simply fail is that they have set their goals—the glorious picture of the end—but refuse to recognise that it’s a championship. Glorious accomplishers are self-made and not assigned. Therefore, your desire to be among great accomplishing people begins with your task of identifying the tournament set before you. Your victory is buried on you knowing what the competition would take. Equally, understand that if you are not in any competition, you are automatically disqualified for any prize or success.

3.      Adequate Preparation: It’s preparation that brings possession. After recognising the championship you are to participate in, the next thing to do, is to acknowledge the demands of the competition. You should gear up to pay the price if your expectation is to win the competition. Prizes are meant for successful competitors, and adequate preparation positions you as one. You must be mentally, spiritually and physically tuned to the bids of the championship. A qualitative preparation gives birth to a great performance. The level of your accomplishment this year will solidly anchor on the quality of your preparation. The preparation should be rooted solely in fact-finding and the intelligent analysis of the facts toward accomplishment. You don’t just engage in any competition. No! You have to prepare yourself for the competition to participate well. 

4.      Pursue the Target: Winners turn their targets to projects. The accomplishment we hope to achieve is in the pursuit. No one is announced a winner in a game in which he didn’t take part. It is impossible! Pursuit is simply execution of your projects. Execution is important if your targets are to become reality. The beauty of a car is in driving it. Having the tools does not equal accomplishment. Only using the tools do we accomplish task. It’s in the pursuit that we push off our obstacles. If you don’t move, your mountain will remain. 

5.      Take Risks: Anais Nin said that “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” I have come to realize that everything about success is risk. Until you take the risk, you are not a bona fide candidate for the associated success. Not to take the risk they say is even more risky. The pain of not taking the risk is far more than pain for taking the risk. If you are not willing to take the risk you have decided to settle for non-accomplishment of your goals. 

6.      Resist the Oppositions: For every great accomplishment, there are oppositions.  Until you know them, you can’t effectively tackle them. In the active participation for any competition, no one lets anything stops their team. You must boldly resist every adversary in order to maintain your pace to accomplishment. What you do not resist will definitely remain. Due to the prize that waits at the end, you don’t have to give in to any challenge. Everyone that endures to the end is entitled to have the prize. It takes endurance to hit your target. Therefore, don’t allow pressures and discouragements to pull you off the lane. The weight of the accomplishment is glorious to compare with the light oppositions that we face now. If your aim is to accomplish a grand task this year, give no space to distraction. 

7.      Networking: I was reading something sometime last year, and I came across a quote that inspired me so immensely. It says, “If you want to go fast, you go alone, but if you want to go far, go with others.” How far you go this year in achieving your dreams will be determined on how you were able to network your energy and ability to get the task done. There are different tournaments. Individuals only win games but when it comes to championships, it is team that wins. Winners don’t work alone; they work in teams with people of mastermind and likeminded. No man is an island they say,  entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main

8.      Obtain the Crown: Winners don’t stop until they accomplish their goal. Therefore, do not stop until you obtain the crown of the accomplishment. Until what you stated to achieve become a reality, keep pressing forward. Never lose focus and don’t ever stop pressing until you realize the goals. First and foremost, believe in your goals. Then, set yourself to receive it. Determine that nothing satisfies you outside the prize. Accomplishments usually come in phases, but don’t stop at any phase until you reach the finishing line. That’s where the ultimate glory lies. Keep at it!


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