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Showing posts from January 13, 2013

TRIBUTE to my FATHER, Raphael Alamezie Uzoma, Chief

The heaven became cloudy as I received the news of your exit to life beyond. Instantly, I recalled all the good plans I had for you, to give you a better life for all you did to make me be the best in life. I wept and cried. What a great father you were! The words that came loudest from my inside are simply, “Dad, please don’t leave us now.” Oceans away from home, I feel just plain lost. Honestly, there are too many words and no words.  But following are just a few of the special things I remember about you – my precious dad. Therefore, this is not an encomium to exalt your life. It’s just a simple heartfelt acknowledgement of gratitude to special one who gave my destiny the greatness foundation. I want to pay tribute to him. And I don’t mean that in any kind of celebratory manner. Rather, this is a testimonial merit of you, one that brings the good and the bad together. You ordered your life completely grounded but quietly and simply in the love of God. The ...