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Essentials of Your Destiny's Foundation

E ssential raw materials constitute the entirety of any given thing. This is basic and also indispensible. A product cannot be completed until the essential raw materials are combined together. These essential raw materials can be referred to as the vital tools required to complete a finished product. The foundation is the very base in the forming of any product. Therefore, the essential raw materials required for your foundation are the components on which your glorious product will be built. They are the tools you require to get your base solidly fixed so you can use it as a platform from which you can start the race for your destiny. No great person ever arrived at a destination of greatness by accident. Foundation is essential and plays an important role in every journey to greatness. Ours is no different! In this chapter, I will be unfolding these essentials so you can profit from them. They have been used by men and women who have imparted genuine, positi...

Introducing the book "Foundation for Greatness"

It was not until late 2005, in my home country of Nigeria, at the conception of an assignment, that the realization hit me— Your ending is determined by your beginning! When the vision for Potential Builders International (POBUI) came to me in April 2005, along with it came a restless desire to not only be among the world’s most celebrated persons, but to be super-accomplished and fulfilled in life. There came a willingness to take risks in order to stay ahead of the competition under the auspices of the new body—POBUI. The underlying aim of POBUI is to initiate programs and processes in the developing world that will ensure most of the nations a place in the developed world.             The establishment of the entity was beset by many challenges. It also presented many personal challenges to those of us involved as we embarked on a journey of discovery that forced us to study many organizations in developed cou...

TRIBUTE to my FATHER, Raphael Alamezie Uzoma, Chief

The heaven became cloudy as I received the news of your exit to life beyond. Instantly, I recalled all the good plans I had for you, to give you a better life for all you did to make me be the best in life. I wept and cried. What a great father you were! The words that came loudest from my inside are simply, “Dad, please don’t leave us now.” Oceans away from home, I feel just plain lost. Honestly, there are too many words and no words.  But following are just a few of the special things I remember about you – my precious dad. Therefore, this is not an encomium to exalt your life. It’s just a simple heartfelt acknowledgement of gratitude to special one who gave my destiny the greatness foundation. I want to pay tribute to him. And I don’t mean that in any kind of celebratory manner. Rather, this is a testimonial merit of you, one that brings the good and the bad together. You ordered your life completely grounded but quietly and simply in the love of God. The ...

Annual Dinner of the SEGi Entrepreneurship Council (SEC)

What an awesome day! Seeing the gorgeous faces of my amazing family―SEGi Entrepreneurship Council―gathered together. An annual dinner when all of the siblings come together to celebrate our past victories in oneness. You guys are priceless. I adore and admire each and every one of you. " Float like butterfly, Sting like a bee!!! "

Sacrifice Without Gratitude

I heard an amazing story that shocked me to the marrow. In this story, there was a blind girl who hated herself so much because of her blindness. The hatred extended to everyone, excluding her loving boyfriend. This boyfriend of hers was always there for her. One day, she passionately told her boyfriend, "If I could only see the world, I will marry you." It happens that a day came; someone donated a pair of eyes to the poor blind girl. At the end of the day when the bandages were removed, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend. The boyfriend now asked her, "Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?" The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him. How unfortunate, little did she know that her current eyes was that of her boyfriend. With sorrow in his heart, her boyfrien...

A Life-Changing Experience

It was an amazing filled day. Something interesting but heart breaking happened, which I am seeking for answer to it. In the noon of today, I and a friend were coming from my apartment; at the corner of the entrance of our condo was a young girl of about  11 years   She was on her school uniform with her school bag, possibly waiting for the school bus to lift her. The moment she saw us, this girl become overly afraid and wanted to pick a race, but no chance to make the run.  When we kept coming closer to her, as we meant to pass to our destination, she started to cry. Honestly, the cry was so loud that it drew attention of the passers-by and those sitting around. To this young school girl, she might have visualized the end of her life having seen two black Africans. Wonders will never end!    I believe she probably might have thought she is seeing a human devouring lions or rather strange beings from other planet …lop! I’m wondering if we are gh...

The Foundation: Beginning of the Race to Greatness

T he product of one’s ending is a function of one’s beginning. In life, nothing ever happens without a beginning; neither will you see anything coming into existence by chance. The finishing line will always be determined by the starting point. However, everything that ever existed on the surface of this earth has its roots. It is these roots that I am referring to in this book as the “foundation.” It is therefore important for us to know that foundations are necessary if an impactful or a fulfilled life is the aim. They are what fix the strength, height, weight, and durability of any structure. All these great edifices we see today are products of their foundations, which must be deeply rooted and solid in their nature if they are to function properly. The first signpost to a glorious destiny is a quality foundation. If every great edifice is determined by its foundation, then greatness and excellent results are traceable to their very beginnings. Likewise,...

My Most Recent Book, "Foundation for Greatness," is Now Available

My second book, " Foundation for Greatness, " was released on January 30, 2013. Most people wonder what the primary difference is between high achievers and those who achieve less. How can I start to pursue my dream? What can I do to leave a lasting good and great legacy? How can my name be inscribed in the "hall of fame" with the names of others who have made remarkable contributions to humanity? The goal of Foundation for Greatness is to provide solutions to these puzzling questions in an engaging and readable manner. Let's take a journey through these pages together. There's plenty to learn. Have a pleasant time reading!    Here are a few reviews of the book; Greatness is the apex of so many ensembles that originate from a solid foundation. The process is challenging, but its integration is rooted deeply in a fascinating base, which Victor Uzoma has graciously described as  foundation . The absence of this grace-filled base becomes not onl...