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Introducing the book "Foundation for Greatness"

It was not until late 2005, in my home country of Nigeria, at the conception of an assignment, that the realization hit me—Your ending is determined by your beginning!

When the vision for Potential Builders International (POBUI) came to me in April 2005, along with it came a restless desire to not only be among the world’s most celebrated persons, but to be super-accomplished and fulfilled in life. There came a willingness to take risks in order to stay ahead of the competition under the auspices of the new body—POBUI. The underlying aim of POBUI is to initiate programs and processes in the developing world that will ensure most of the nations a place in the developed world.

            The establishment of the entity was beset by many challenges. It also presented many personal challenges to those of us involved as we embarked on a journey of discovery that forced us to study many organizations in developed countries. This included the UN—their policies, fundamental philosophies, and developmental processes.

Therefore, in my study for a glorious life and of renowned men in history, I have discovered one very important fact about them, and that is that they all had significantly strong foundations. Foundation is a two-edged sword; it can uplift one when it is well constituted or sink one because of its shallow nature. A weak and cracked foundation leads to the downfall of any structure. Our lives are like buildings, and we are the architects. We construct our personal buildings the way we want to, starting from the foundation and working up to the rooftop before we concentrate on the furnishings.

            It is important to note that foundation is a very vital phase of every visible structure on Earth. Foundation determines how tall a structure will be, how well it looks, and how long it will last. The edifice you are today is largely a function of the foundation you laid for yourself in the past. Your actions and inactions of yesterday are what formed the foundation of the results you are seeing today. Therefore, a life without solid formation is worse than an untimely death. When any foundation is weakened, it usually leads to the sudden wreckage of the building.

At the end of your existence, what makes your presence known and felt in society are your impact on the human community, the lives you affected positively, the volume of your bank balance, your possessions, who you knew, and who you associated with. These are what sum up your legacy as an individual.

Every mighty flame is initiated by a simple tiny spark. Without the little spark, the mighty flame becomes impossible. A bad beginning makes for a bad ending. I understood that every destiny that is to become renowned in this world begins when conscious efforts are made to build a well-planned and solid base. In the field of sports, when you start badly, there is a wider margin chance of ending poorly.

Also, in the world of female fashion, the foundation garment is the undergarment that a woman wears to give shape to the contours of her body. So, the foundation garment is what brings out the beauty and shape of the clothing worn outside as well as the person who is wearing it. Likewise, the setup of our lives is what upholds every result we might achieve. Foundation, therefore, can be likened to the understructure, groundwork, base, and the fundamentals from which every result springs out. It gives support that holds up the entire accomplishment in anyone’s race for a glorious life. How you design your foundation determines the results you are bound to have.

Until a quality foundation is laid, arrival to your anticipated destination exists as a mere illusion. A tower without a perfect substructure is simply an erroneous perception of reality. It is impossible to win in an exercise in which you never partook. Your participation is what qualifies you for a winning, but what positions you to outwit others is traceable to your initial preparation or foundation.

Foundation, however, can be two faced. It has the capacity to turn you into a celebrity of a lifetime or reduce you to a nonentity. The way you turn out is based primarily on how you began your life. It is also important to understand that structures rest wholly on their substructurestheir foundations. Without a solid substructure, the main structure collapses! Foundation is the fundamental aspect of our future, and adequately digested information is the greatest resource element in the building of destinies and accomplishments.

This book, Foundation for Greatness, is an accumulation of in-depth research, experiences, and revelations that deeply explore the importance of foundation in every embarked project. Carefully exposed in this book is the phenomenon that helps us achieve accomplishments, results, and performance in life. In this piece of work, I prudently unfolded the hidden truths about foundation and how it makes for our profitable living. The text is written in a style that helps you uncover the secrets in every beginning, and tells you how to put those discovered truths to work to better your chances at success.

You may have been asking yourself diverse questions: How do I begin the pursuit of my dream? How can I leave a long lasting legacy? How can my name be recorded in the “hall of fame” alongside the names of people who have made an extraordinary mark on humanity?

What is the main thing that distinguishes the great accomplishers from those who accomplish little? Foundation for Greatness is designed to answer those boggling questions in an interesting and readable style. Let’s take a ride together through these pages. There is much to discover. Be blessed!
Victor Uzoma


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