raw materials constitute the entirety of any given thing. This is basic and
also indispensible. A product cannot be completed until the essential raw
materials are combined together. These essential raw materials can be referred
to as the vital tools required to complete a finished product.
The foundation is the very base in the forming of any product.
Therefore, the essential raw materials required for your foundation are the
components on which your glorious product will be built. They are the tools you
require to get your base solidly fixed so you can use it as a platform from
which you can start the race for your destiny. No great person ever arrived at
a destination of greatness by accident. Foundation is essential and plays an
important role in every journey to greatness. Ours is no different!
In this chapter, I will be unfolding these essentials so you can
profit from them. They have been used by men and women who have imparted
genuine, positive changes to the world. It is your duty to carefully adopt them
and begin to apply them as a mainstay for that future you hope to see. I
earnestly promise you: your life will change for the better. These foundational
essentials are divided into two phases. Phase one is the pre-operational stage,
and phase two is the operational stage.
Stage One: Pre-Operation
Pre-Operational Stage is the period of time you spend preparing for the laying
of your foundation. It is when you gather all that you will need in the
operational stage. At this stage, you first call for the architectural
designers to create on paper the structure you hope to erect. You find out the
estimated cost, you gather the essential materials, and you actually start
building the foundation. Let us look into the steps in this first phase:
Defining Your Goal
Greatness begins at the point of definition. Without adequate
definition, there can’t be motion, attraction, motivation, strength. It simply
removes the obscurity on to the pursuit of greatness. It translates ideas and
dreams into reality images. The easiest way to attain greater height in life is
to a clear-cut picture of the destination. Absence of definition is the source
for crash-landing.
It is the pre-determined end of your pursuit.
It can be the picture of your desired result. Until you have a target, you
can’t hit it. In the field of play, without a goal post, scoring becomes
impossible. Defining your goal is vitally important and absolutely necessary in
the foundation stage. In fact, it is the most essential feature because it is
the root of every other step. It sets the pace for others to hold. No greatness
will ever be achieved without proper definition.
You must
know what you want before you can go for it. If you are not aware of your
destination, any route may get you there, but you will waste time. Therefore,
establishing your goal is the first task; it is inevitable. Without it, there
can be no foundation, and if there is no foundation, all hope for a structure
is terminated.
The service
of an architectural designer must be engaged at this point. It is his or her
job to develop an architectural masterpiece on a paper. This is a clear picture
of the destination that you want to attain in life. When they are drawn up and
properly documented, the plans can be imprinted in your mind as well. These
plans can focus your energy and also reveal to all that you need to get there
promptly and safely.
The most
injured life is a wandering life. When you define your goal, you are stating
precisely where you want to arrive in life, what you want to do, and how you
want to do it. Clarity makes for distinction. Wherever you see a distinction,
you will surely see a clear plan in place.
Defining your goal is stating a clear, well-known, and
well-recognized distinctive destination. Discovery is essential before
greatness can be established. Accomplishments are made easy when you are racing
toward a well-defined finish line. There is no skyscraper standing that didn’t
begin with a design or a master plan that was in place well before the
foundation was built. What this plan does is bring to your awareness all that
you need and how you must implement these things in order to make your goal see
the light of day. Every great story is established only after a distinctive
definition is declared. Greatness cannot be separated from clarity of purpose.
When night gives way to day, and we wake up in the morning, many
of us already have a clear picture of our various destinations. Some of us head
to our offices, others to our places of business. Students find their way to
their various schools. Why? They know where they are expected to be, and
instantly go there. Some people have scheduled appointments they know they must
go to. Perhaps if the person does not know the exact way to a scheduled meeting
place, he or she will check online or use a GPS unit to find it. This makes
travel safer and easier.
The first
assignment in the race of greatness is to discover what you actually want to
do; for example, what product you want to develop, what item you want to
invent, what innovation you want to bring into existence. Surprisingly, there
are lots of gaps out there in the waiting to be filled—all you have to do is
stretch out and get it done. Undoubtedly, those who struggle because of blurry
destinations will miss these opportunities. When the destination becomes
unclear, we will never arrive! Show me a confused man, and I will show you a
man without a destination. He wonders at every crossroad. Without a
destination, he is a victim who is tossed to and fro by the circumstances of
It is impossible for an airplane pilot not to know his or her
arrival airport prior to take off; neither will you see a ship setting out on a
voyage without a destination point. Because they are aware of their
destinations, they consult the compass for safe arrival. When you discover what
you want to do, you can consult the resources that will deliver you there
safely without scars. Discovery of destination is your own responsibility; it
is not a choice you assign to any agent.
Establishing Your Plan
You begin to establish your plan when you describe how you are
going to reach your set goal. This includes a vivid description of the basic
and essential tools you will need to reach your goal. This is the time during
which you give form to the permanent establishment. There is a popular saying:
“When you fail to plan, you have planned to fail.” It is vital to understand
this statement if you are going to raise a long-standing edifice that will be
record breaking.
Plan is a detailed explanation to guide you in setting standards or
determining a course of action to accomplish your aim. In your race for greatness, it is series of
steps to be carried out for you to be accomplished. Planning helps you to
figure out what you need, where to get it, how to get it, the cost of it, when
to get it, if you have the financing to get it, when exactly you will get the
work done, what type of construction firm to hire, and the phases it must go
through before it reaches completion.
The scripture describes plan in Luke 14: 28–32(King James
Version): “For which of you, intending to build a tower, sits not down first,
and counts the cost, whether he has enough to finish it? Lest perhaps, after he
has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin
to mock him, Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish. Or
what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and
consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against
him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he
sendeth an ambassage, and desireth conditions of peace.”
It means “to device” or “to budget”. Planners are people going somewhere in life. One who
is not planning has already decided to go nowhere – advance further in life.
Every good planner is essentially good thinker. With good plans on ground, it
guards your timing. What you want, how your want it, and when you want it.
During this stage, you align your priorities in a sequential order for the
The mental passage to
achieve a dream is created as you design your plans. It could refer as sitting
tight in order to rise higher. The way forward is designed. Here, you draw the
future into now and break it to various departments, to ease the movement into its
actualization. It makes attainment of great accomplishments easier. Also, it
co-ordinates our energy to focus on the most needful and essentials.
As I said earlier,
whatever you don’t know, you won’t control. For you to take full charge of your
destiny and arrive at the greatness you anticipate, you must have a
well-articulated plan. This plan will boost your speed, improve your work
efficiency, and help you eliminate unnecessary sidetrips as you prioritize your
needs. At this stage, you draw the graphic representation on the map and work
out the routes you will take to arrive at your desired destination.
You also formulate
schemes that will influence your accomplishment. You can organize specific
steps to initiate action. Without planning, your dream to be great, renowned,
or successful may be elusive. Peter Drucker, a twentieth-century American
author and educator, once said, “Unless commitment is made, there are only
promises and hopes … but no plans.” Plans get
you headed in the right with a hope to achieve your result. Commitment is what
converts action into accomplishment.
However, listen to what Winston Churchill said. He was a British
orator and author, and served as prime minister during World War II. “Let our
advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.” Until we convert our
worries to brute thinking and planning, results will not be achieved.
The only way to grab hold of that destiny you earnestly desire to
have is by planning. In fact, planning is having the roadmap in front of you—or
at least a strategy designed for outstanding performance. See you there soon!
Researching Your Options
Those who conduct research are always the greatest commanders of
greatness. They see what ordinary competitors don’t see. They increase their
chances of success by finding extra information, facts, and requirements that
make for exceedingly great results. They do this by investigating thoroughly to
obtain all of the facts, which they then apply to their detailed plans.
Accuracy and efficiency are functions of diligent research. Through research we
thoroughly examine the options available to us. Through research we can uncover
the best among the good.
Many who arrive at that “better” place tend to stay there thinking
they have arrived. Then there are a few who move a bit farther to get to the
“best.” They do this through consistent diligence, which involves research.
Greatness is gained on the platform of research—digging into the deepest part
of every matter to uncover the hidden truths. You cannot be satisfied with only
the presented facts. There is difference between the facts and the truth; it
takes commitment in searching to uncover the truth. You will know the truth,
and the truth you know will make you free. Freedom is a function of truth and
is achieved by an in-depth research.
Researchers are exceedingly great accomplishers. No one can get
better results than someone who is committed to know all there is to know about
a particular subject. You can operate only by the information you have at your
disposal, no more … no less.
In researching, you engage not only your mind but your spirit as
well. The greatest advantage of researching is that it perfectly positions you
for a life of conquest. Diligent researchers are great commanders of destinies.
These people don’t wait for things to happen; they make things happen
If you yield to an in-depth research, you gain a depth of insight
that empowers you toward an unimaginable result. Knowing how to conduct detail research
helps you to exert your influence because of the volume of information you have
obtained. I defined education as the amount of information at your disposal.
When you have more of this information than others have, you have a distinct
advantage over them. Your knowledge is what places you ahead of them. The
quality and quantity of information you have can be achieved only through
diligent research.
Therefore, to get those highest structures standing, you must put
a high level of research into action. The amount and quality of research
determines the height and quality of the edifice. Your effort shows the level
of value you place on that particular structure. Our destinies are like our
structures—your level of commitment is indicated by the amount of effort you
are willing to expend to make the structure a reality.
Read Your Way to Knowledge
Dr. David O. Oyedepo, a renowned preacher, teacher, and a
household name in modern African education, says, “Readers are leaders, and all
committed readers are potential leaders.” Ever since I discovered that reading
is the greatest tool of the successful people, I vowed not to trade it for any
form of treasure. I have heard amazing stories of how committed readers
accomplished outstanding feats. Earlier, I shared with you how Benjamin
Franklin consistently forfeited his lunch in order to buy books. He would not
allow his status, background, and lack of education keep him from his desired
The story of Ben Carson has been transformational to many people
who learn from it the value of reading in redefining people and their
destinies. From early childhood, Ben Carson and his younger brother were raised
by a single parent—their mother. She worked as a cleaner and was committed to see
her children better themselves for the future. In her job, she had observed the
secret of successful men. She had seen that highly placed people, aristocrats,
and successful businessmen were all deeply interested in reading and
researching. In his teen, unfortunately, Ben Carson was noted to be a dullard
in his class and always came last every academic term.
Mrs. Carson enthusiastically encouraged her sons to do well in
school. She knew that they could do so because they had sound minds, but she
discovered that her admonitions were not the tool that would refine their
minds. She knew her own efforts must be coupled with a commitment on the part
of her boys to reading. To this end, she endeavored to commit her boys to
reading two books per week. At the end of the week, she required that the boys
summarize the books they had read. She did not allow them to watch television;
instead, she placed them into a strict reading program. She even restricted
their playtime in favor of reading. At first, their mother’s plan seemed like
punishment to the boys. But they had to adhere to her instructions, and they
began going to the library to hunt for books to read.
Slowly, Ben Carson realized the transition from mental slavery to
excellent intellectual achievement. As usual in his class, the teacher asked a
question about a particular sort rock. None of the acclaimed first-class
students had an answer. But Ben Carson did! When he realized that no one in the
class could answer the question, he raised his hand. To the surprise of his
classmates and teacher, he not only answered the question, but offered further
explanation. Everyone was amazed.
Everyone wondered how little Ben Carson was the one who could
answer the question—and give a very excellent answer at that. The teacher asked
the entire class to applaud him. It was this applause that changed his
mentality. If the class where he was known to be a “nobody” could clap for him
because of information he got through reading, then he ought to read more! The
amount of information we are able to learn and understand determines the extent
of our ultimate fruitfulness.
Ben resolved to go extra miles to read. Shortly after that, his
story took a new turn. The well-known dullard became the brightest student of
the class, and later won a scholarship. Today, his is the best neurosurgeon in
the world; he became the only one who could successfully operate on conjoined
babies without a hitch. He is not merely successful today, he is the epitome of
Dr. Ben
Carson is highly sought after around the world in the medical field, and his
name is well known in the neurosurgical arena. His footprints are indelibly
imprinted on the sands of history. Reading is designed for our profitable
living. It makes celebrities out of nonentities according to Dr. David Oyedepo.
David Abioye, the second-in-command in the Living Faith Church
worldwide said, “When you sit to read, you rise to lead.” The secret to reading
is that it keeps one ever young both in mind and in action. We should always
recognize the essentiality of reading in our lives and its readiness to teach
us things that pertain to our lives and pursuits. Until you are ready to ride
the boat of reading, you certainly will not arrive at a celebrated destiny.
Reading a wide variety of material makes you super-intelligent and converts
your weaknesses to strengths.
Ignorance is the foremost enemy to greatness that paralyzes its
attainment. All greatness virtually feeds and thrives on the flesh of
knowledge. Several great legacies that
never lived peradventure were not energized, nourished and nurtured. Learning
is what energizes, nourishes and nurtures greatness. It is the level of our
learning today that will determine the quality of our greatness to be earned
tomorrow. Our past yearnings commit us for a present learning that will lead us
to our future earnings.
I like what Denis Waitley said in one of his books, Psychology of Winning: “Good books are
transport of wisdom that can take you to places you can’t be in person.”
Reading reveals to you what seems to be hidden, and enriches you with knowledge
you can use to sharpen your actions. You study today so you will be furnished
with the right information for polishing your life tomorrow. Get ready now to
sail the ship of reading; it is the maker of all outstanding destinies. It
brings you safely to your destination, sails you along on a smooth voyage, and
anchors you carefully at a celebrated shore.
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