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My Most Recent Book, "Foundation for Greatness," is Now Available

My second book, "Foundation for Greatness," was released on January 30, 2013. Most people wonder what the primary difference is between high achievers and those who achieve less. How can I start to pursue my dream? What can I do to leave a lasting good and great legacy? How can my name be inscribed in the "hall of fame" with the names of others who have made remarkable contributions to humanity?

The goal of Foundation for Greatness is to provide solutions to these puzzling questions in an engaging and readable manner. Let's take a journey through these pages together. There's plenty to learn. Have a pleasant time reading! 

Here are a few reviews of the book;

Greatness is the apex of so many ensembles that originate from a solid foundation. The process is challenging, but its integration is rooted deeply in a fascinating base, which Victor Uzoma has graciously described as foundation. The absence of this grace-filled base becomes not only challenging but much harder to integrate new realities for greatness.

The author’s arguments are sound and life enriching, encompassing such realities as uniformity, predictability, controllability, and competitiveness, which create and re-create opportunities for self-fulfilment on to greatness. This is a masterpiece from such a young and promising author, which will reignite the spark of genuine search for a purpose-driven life, free people from confining assumptions and self-defeatist mind-sets, and help put an end to the struggle between work and personal fulfilment.

Foundation for Greatness is another outstanding book from Victor Uzoma. It has all the ingredients that make for a good read.

—Rev. Charles Enyinnia
Kingston, Ontario, Canada

A good foundation is the substrata for any meaningful living in this twenty-first century. Once again, our generation has just received a step-by-step analysis on how to live life to the fullest by strategically aligning ourselves with those seemingly small matters. This eventually enables us to fulfil destiny in grand style. Like a master mason, Victor Uzoma has laid brick upon brick in this life’s journal. Purchase, read, and follow.”

– Paul M. Bassey
Preacher, author, business advisor, and theo-motivator
President, Garden of Glory Ministries Int’l
Founder / senior pastor, Garden of Glory Christian Center, Malaysia

It is a well-known saying that it is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have it than to have an opportunity and not be prepared for it. Building a foundation for greatness is synonymous with preparing for that opportunity. The deeper your foundation, the higher your structure of greatness. If you want to understand the principles of laying a solid foundation to greatness, then this book is your manual.

—Colman Nwosu (MSc – distinction & B.Eng AMImechE)
University of Bradford, United Kingdom.

Grab your copy today as I unveil the basic secret in our lives that will pave the path for our future greatness. The end result of one's life, whether magnificent or not, is a function of the foundation that person created from the beginning.

The book is jam-packed with knowledge that has been thoroughly researched and developed to help you in securing a prosperous future.

Don't let anyone tell you about the book. Get your hands on a copy!


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