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How to Write Successful & Superior Piece

For you to stand out from the crowd of similar writers, here is few writing procedures that you will need to implore. As you engage them, you will realize that you've followed the footsteps of great achievers in the literary world, who had made great impact and left their footprints in the sand of time.
  1. Conception: This is the period when the idea is been birthed in your mind. It ignites the desire, and the desire sets a platform for an action. When action is in view, accomplishment emerges. Conception is practically the first in exploring the writing world.
  2. Definition: You must first and foremost discover what you want to write on. Discovery makes for distinction. This is like a wind that blows in your favor that takes you to a destination called “Success.” Definition is giving a distinct clarity of your product. Your book is your product to the world. Every product has this uniqueness attached to it. Uniqueness makes identification easier. Your uniqueness defines your product, and makes people to easily identify it amongst the pool of other competitors.  It’s the uniqueness you give it that will contribute in sensitizing the customers’ awareness, and their interest for your product in the midst of other similar ones. Furthermore, when clarity is not attained; there won’t be motivation, motion and passion. Definition eliminates obscurity and translates idea into reality image.
  3. Writing: Taking practical action! Without action, there won’t be motivation.  One’s motivation realistically drives him/her to accomplishment. Like William Shakespeare rightly said, and I agree with him, that, “You will never know what is in you until you begin to write.” What you are capable of doing cannot be revealed to you until action is committed. Write! Write!! and Write!!!
  4. Researching your options: Accuracy and efficiency are products of diligent research. It increases one’s chance of success by finding extra information, facts, and requirements that make for exceeding great results. Our depth of insight determines the height of our accomplishment. I employ research factor in my writing process, in order to get extra knowledge and facts regarding all areas of what I’m writing on. You will be utterly amazed what you will discover that you never thought of earlier. This ultimately enhances and colors the quality of your work. Please, you do not need to copy others work. It offers you an opportunity to enhance your depth and enrich your understanding. You ought to reference where necessary. It preserves your integrity!
  5. Brainstorming: Stretching your mind to the extreme to give the book a distinguishing form. Brainstorming gives you an opportunity to put your work into detail explanations. Such an opportunity guides the setting and standard of the work, thereby, determining the course of action and the fulfilling style. It means interpreting all the facts about the book, and breaking them into comprehensible bits. By this process, you compare and contrast, and thereafter, digest the facts accordingly. At this stage, you sort and put the facts in a captivating and natural order to pin the attention of your readers/customers. The mind that is not stretched limits our chances of standing out. It hinders our seed of miracle to manifest outstandingly. 
  6. Keep strengthening your work: There is no limit to which you can polish your work. Continuous evaluation of the book by reading through it often, removing the weeds from the seeds, as you corrects the errors and adds new ideas. The more you read the work, the more you uncover some errors. Additionally, the more you find new ideas rushing into your mind. More so, it involves seeking opinions from trusted sources, such as, friends, families and colleagues. For the sake of professionalism, you consult experts in the field to review and edit your work. You try to subject the work to constructive criticism. This is also a kind of refiner’s process for your book. It makes the work to be well refined. You need to be careful here, because you have your style that distinguishes your work from others. Don’t allow them to alter your style and uniqueness.
Again, keep reading the manuscript - adding and removing. Every ground-breaking piece in the literary world took that process, for example, Things Fall Apart, by our very own, Chinua Achebe, who is a literary icon today.

Lastly, all of these steps involve writing. Note, write first and don’t focus on mistakes. If you focus on mistakes when you are in the flow of writing, definitely, you will cripple your creativity and hinders your progress. Apply the fixing steps (steps 4, 5 and 6) only after you have created something on paper. Here is my candid advice. At first, let your writing be full, wild, and bad.  In fact, the worse it is, the better it becomes after the fixing steps. After exhausting what is in your mind, dig deeper through research, to furnish yourself with additional and quality facts that polishes your work to be more attractive.


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