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The Mark of Exploits in a Foreign Nation

An excerpt from my Welcome Address @ Potential Builders Int'l Seminar 2010 titled "Becoming Successful Part 1"

At the last concluded Potential Builders International Seminar tagged "BEcomING SUccessFUL," I was opportune to deliver a welcome note. Having discovered unique individuals who made extraordinary exploits in foreign nations that we shared in a unique book by unique authors, I considered it essential to let you have a taste of what I shared in that Welcome Address. I believe, somehow, it may help re-shape your thoughts about the ancient book and restructure your perception between your mission and your location. Nothing happens by chance. It is our attitude and approach that determines the outcome.

Here come the details of that story. It's to help you re-adjust your seat belts to refuse to be relegated or settled for nothing less than "POSITIVE GREATNESS". Follow up the stairs of this "Awesome Welcome Address"

Your Excellencies,

I am very delighted to welcome you to this great event. This program tagged “Becoming Successful” is fashioned with every one of you in mind. It's one of its kind in this land for us, with yet more to be unfolded. I am convinced and I assure us all, that none will leave here without a cause to be grateful, and a renewed spirit for global exploit.

The program is meant to restructure our minds, re-define our lives, change our negative ideologies, and uncover to us the routes to successful living; how to climb the ladder of success, how to become a success in this land – Malaysia or elsewhere in the world. It is also designed to give us the road map that will take us to our glorious destines, such that showcases us as world renowned, either as an individual or as a nation.

A wise man once said, “A world is like a book and those that do not travel read only a page”. So, traveling is an education in itself, and could be harness diligently. Until a purpose of a thing is known, abuse definitely becomes inevitable. That we are here today is an added advantage, but we need to know our purpose of being here, to make the most out of it.

It is discovered that “Good books are transport of wisdom that can take you to places you can’t be in person”. In my quest to search for knowledge from afar, I found one unique book that made and is still making the greatest impart of all times. It has raised men and women of greatness, most powerful, success and global exploits. Its guiding principles as held by most nations made them great and leaders of other nations. The book has played a major role in the discoveries and inventions of all times. This book is a manual for living, a compass for success. It stands to be the most dependable text in the entire universe.

The book was written both in BC’s and in AD’s. This book was authored by the oldest strange personalities on entire universe, and they were three in number. These strange authors happen to be from the same family. As we can see today in our contemporary world especially in the West, how people answer all manner of strange names like; Bush, Rice, Tiger and others. These unique authors have strange names too. The first and the leader is referred as “Almighty Creator”, the second person and the son of the leader is known as “World Redeemer” and third person is referred as “Invisible Guide”.

It might interest you to know that this book is the oldest book on the surface of earth with the latest information. Millions of other books and resource materials made reference to it, and still making reference to it. On the contrary, the book made no reference to any other book. The greats, the wealthiest, the powerful and the most successful people can be traced to the application of principles shared by the authors in this 'Ancient Book.'

However, I am not here to introduce this book to you, but rather, to bring to our knowledge sets of individual characters portrayed in the book. These persons made extra-ordinary impact as foreigners in foreign nations. These individuals experienced much more difficulties than we are doing today in our own individual cases, but through familiarization of ethics portrayed in the book, and application of right attitudes excelled to the highest dimension of success. 

Today, their achievements are praised by many. It is for this singular fact that this program is packaged for you and me to discover what these people did and became exceptionally successful. Not only discovering, but knowing how to apply it to better our chances at exploit. These said individuals also affected other lives positively and represented their country of origin fine despite their situations.  Lastly, they contributed immensely to the general welfare of their accommodating foreign nations.

I know a question may be ringing in our various minds now, who are these individual characters? Well, may I introduce few of them to you and their exploits.
  1. Joseph Israel: He was sold into slavery, abused grossly, suffered maltreatment, racial discrimination, sexual abuse, and all manner of ill treatment. He even was sent to prison for offense he did not commit.  In all, he stood on his feet, held diligently on the principles of the Ancient Book. Thereafter, he became the 2nd in command in his foreign nation. Joseph saved the country from economy meltdown and foreseen national disaster. Consequently, he salvaged his country of origin from the danger of starvation. The first preservative measure ever in history was invented by him. This young and vibrant fellow gloriously rose to the position of among the richest of his time, and was honoured by many even till date.
  2. Moses: He was a deformed person, a fugitive, and an adopted orphan. After he laid hold on the principles shared in that book - The Ancient Book, as will be sharing here today, transformed his life and that of a whole nation. He single-handedly negotiated for the independence of his country and fought for their freedom. Moses committed forty years to lead his country into their promised land. He was a vital force and eminent personality in his country's history. Until today, he's still noted to be the meekness man ever on earth.
  3. Daniel and His Three Friends: Their nation was destroyed and they were taken as captives to strange nation. Daniel distinguished himself and acquired a superior wisdom by a studious act. Through diligent studies, he acquired and allowed the right principles to regulate him. By his studious act, he discovered the dependent duration of his nation on their colonial masters, and thereafter, he worked for their national independence. He became a special adviser to the president of his exiled nation. He saved the entire nation’s special advisers and president from untimely death via his distinguishing and excellent performance. His other three friends re-established the pattern of worship of that land by their courageous act. Consequently, they were greatly honoured in the land.
  4. Nehemiah: His country was destroyed to a state of no repair. He was also taken into exile with his other country men and women to a foreign nation. For the fact that he was well behaved, and allowed the rules of greatness to regulate him. He applied and got the mandate as a slave to go and re-build the decayed state of his nation. The obstacles he faced on his way to execute the project notwithstanding, he persisted and succeeded. He pioneered for re-construction of a new nation, restored the lost glory of his nation, and re-built the seat of leadership of the entire nation. He was a motivator, a builder, and a leader. His success speaks volume and remains ever fresh, both in prints and people's heart.
Time will not permit me to name people like Esther and others. If these individuals could succeed aside the bulk of obstacles they encountered in their various foreign nations, we have no excuse to fail. As a way of guidance, there are individuals here with us today, positioned to challenge and awaken the within giant in us. The awakening sees for our global exploit, like we have seen in the lives of the aforementioned persons, that was shared by the authors in the "Ancient Book."

These special people have attended certain height of genuine successes; they are well informed with these greatness guiding rules. I would say, they're well exposed at both local and international level. Also, these persons have acquired high wealth of knowledge and experiences on their journey to success. We have them here with us today, to guide and to hand to us the tools for successful achievements.

Among them is;
  • Mrs. Cassandra Yong:  Presently she is the Academic Director of R.O.E.A. She lived in the United Kingdom for two years and obtained her Master’s degree there also. She has toured most of the countries in Europe and Asia.  Mrs. Cassandra has lectured in various institutions of higher learning like UCSI, Monash University, Sunway University, and Multimedia University. She also lectured and lived in china for one year, where she was the branch manager of London Academy. She was part of Girls Scout Camp in Japan, AIESC in Singapore, and Asia Pacific Conference also in Singapore. She is a mentor, a mother, a teacher and loves to engage in the formation of younger generation. She is very accommodating, and has a large heart.
  • Mr. Wilson Ng: He is the CEO of Akitara Corporation, a company that turns annual income of Thirty Million Ringgit. He founded an organization known as “Donkey Ministry” that takes responsibilities of ministers of gospel that comes into Malaysia and cares for their well-being free of charge (i.e feeding, accommodation, welfare etc). He has traveled wide and near, and he's well exposed. This man has taught many institutions and organizations on what it takes to be extraordinary, among was Police Force of Philippines and many others. He had received several awards and honors to his credit. He became the first and only person from Asia to have received an award from Myles Munroe. He has an uncompromising humility; he is a father and a mentor. I describe him as the meekness man of our time. Mr. Wilson Ng is here to establish in our various minds what it takes to start from “Scratch to Mountain top of Success”
  • This last person is our father here in Malaysia. And also, in Nigeria, he is our brother, our uncle and a father as well. This is in the person of His Excellency, Chief Peter J.E Anegbeh, the Nigeria High Commissioner to Malaysia. His height alone is very intimidating. He is a man of honour and integrity. To me, he is a mentor and a coach. For us to have him in our midst today shows clearly his humility level. He is a humble man. His Excellency is known to be a gentleman, very smart and intelligent. Also, he is here to install in our hearts, a national passion and a missionary heart, which builds self capacity, significance and relevance. His Excellency, Chief Peter J.E Anegbeh also is here to give us his fatherly guide and blessings.
With an absorbed humility, we welcome you people in today's event. Please, I enjoin us all to give a round of applause to them as we welcome them. 

One of my mentors, Dr. David Oyedepo once said “Common sense makes common men.” These fellows are not only here to give us the common tips we already know, but that uncommon applications that generates uncommon results. These guides are expected to position us as an uncommon beings; not only among our peers, but in our generation and to our nations.

Finally, I admonish all to be focused, because this program has primary but laudable objectives; to raise nation’s builders, captains of industries, innovators, inventors, the greats, and successful men and women. Therefore, I promise you, there must be something tangible that will be stirred on your inside today. It's a day to be much remembered! Fasten your seat belts and stay glued as we set sail in the ocean of information for success.

Be blessed! Thank you all.


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