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QUESTIONING: Pathway to Success

by Uzoma Victor Constantine on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 9:21pm

This book "QUESTIONING: Pathway to Success" was released on 18th day of July,  2009.

This laudable work has two simple but very vital aims: to assist you discover the fundamental ingredients for successful living through questioning system available to you, and how to apply them to your life for a maximum productivity.

As you study through this work, you will recognize that the emphasis is on personal discovery. Going through its pages makes you to understand where you will sit in tomorrow's world, not where you hope to be, assessing where you can be and decide where you want to be.

Questioning: Pathway to Success is a collection of  deep divine inspirations, experiences, discoveries, and wise sayings that delves into every facet of human endeavour. The book is packed with wisdom fit for your personal success and discovery in the journey of your destiny. In this maiden but captivating work, I unfolded the secrets of questioning, mind stretching, and benefits of engaging in a definite pursuit, in a readable and interesting manner.

You may need to absorb the spills and develop new skills and techniques. This book will get you started on the path to success once again. It will tremendously inspire you to take action to make a creative transition, recognizing that time has come for a new beginning and an era to a definite end.

This book is really fashioned to sweep every reader off their feet with an indictment so grave to ignore, yet so true to deny. At the end of every chapter; there are follow-up questions, personal reminders, self prayers and scriptural considerations tailored for discovery of your latent potentials, the hidden truths, and opportunities long waiting for you. As you study through the passages with scriptural attachments, you will weep for shame, but would also make for safety exits amply provided in this book. Questioning; Pathway to Success has presented a spiritual x-ray that reveals the inner working of the mind.

The hidden principles and secrets unfolded in this book have many merits for every man and woman. It gets you thoroughly informed, offers a technique for self-reflection, recognition, and ingredients for self-amendment. You will recognize that an era has come for emergence of a new successful personality in you. Take full delivery of the benefits packaged in this book as you journey through to the end. See you at the top.

Victor UZOMA
Upper Iowa University
SEGi  KL Campus, Malaysia

For information about the BOOK
Please contact:

Potential Builders' Int'l
Ms. Tina:    +2348032939586 
Mr. David: +2348035477750 


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