You might be wondering why education should be included among the limitations to getting a solid foundation. Well, just hold your peace as we take a step further in digging out the essential truth. People often quote an old and popular saying that said “Knowledge is power.” Yes, knowledge is power; there is no doubt about it. At the same time, it has also imprisoned many thoughts and ideas and prevented them from being developed. Knowledge can be power only when it is progressive and correct. Incomplete and incorrect knowledge has prevented quite a few products, inventions, and innovations from seeing the light of day. Knowledge has the power to enslave most latent minds and potentials today. Many simply operate by what Robert H. Schuller described as “locked-in-thinking.” Education is only designed to make us literate; it is our responsibility to dig out the “undiscovered education”—the yet-to-be-discovered rules and regulat...
... shaping destinies, influencing nations!